Workplace / Lake City Bank

Lake City Bank is a young, hip compact shipping container bank at AMP Artisan Market.

Design Development Renderings

OAC Meeting Updates

Final Site Photos


Lake City Bank (LCB) came to us with a goal of creating a compact bank location in AMP Artisan Marketplace. The abbreviated location is geared toward faster transactions and more mobile based clients. The style is also geared toward an innovative crowd. The majority of the shops and vendors at AMP are built in shipping containers. Naturally, the goal from the beginning was to make this bank location feel like a shipping container to match the theme.

Having only 470 square feet to work with meant every inch counted. Fitting large security equipment, vaults, and ample worksurface in the space was met with several challenges. ADA clearances were planned down to the minimums and verified on site to make sure we were compliant.